ANCHR Magazine

Holding you down with the best new music

ANCHR's Artist of the Week: Annie DiRusso

This week’s Artist of the Week goes to Annie DiRusso, a singer-songwriter based between NYC and Nashville. I had my first chance to hear DiRusso’s earnest and upbeat music live in action recently, when she and her band opened for the sold out SAMIA show at Thalia Hall. The devoted SAMIA fans were just as eager and enthusiastic to soak in all of DiRusso’s vulnerable musings—many of the audience members joined in to sing along to songs like “20” and “Judgment From The World’s Greatest Band.” DiRusso’s knack for enveloping intricate stories in catchy hooks speaks for itself, but her live stage presence was that much more powerful. She and her band radiated feel-good energy and showcased their positive intentions during their Thalia Hall set, allowing for us all to seek some escape from reality that evening.

DiRusso has released several singles to date, including a fun rendition of the classic “I Think We’re Alone Now” and her most recent “Coming Soon.” To make sure you’re in the know on all new music from her, follow DiRusso on Tik Tok, where she has a growing platform that begin when she posted a clip of her singing “20.” You can also catch her out on the road this Spring— check out the upcoming tour dates here.